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We are a social-enterprise with a VISION to nurture the humane & professional values in the society and create role-models for future leadership positions.
1. To assist professionals in their professional development via mentorship, skill enhancement, and Job Assistance.
2. To help corporations in providing individuals with necessary skills and attitude, with balance of social and moral values, who can serve as role models and torch bearers for tomorrow's world of peace, harmony, and progress.
You are our ideal fit as a MENTOR/TEACHER if you are experienced working professional, having leveraged your skills and experience to achieve a position of responsibility in the corporate world. More importantly, if you align with our Vision and are willing to invest a portion of your time to support in the career growth of fellow professionals.
You may carry the flame for this great cause and act as a spark in your Mentees'/Student's lives and professions.
Click on the button below to submit your profile as a prospective MENTOR/TEACHER.
If you are a student or a working professional who is interested in career advancement, we can provide you wholesome mentorship and link you with a Mentor/Teacher who can provide you mentorship, coaching in your career growth.
Our goal is to provide a trusting environment in which you may get solutions to your career-related queries or challenges.
As you advance through your Mentee journey, we invite you to brace yourself as a potential Mentor on our platform and contribute to the enrichment of this learning experience for yourself and others.
Kindly contact us using the button below to begin your exciting adventure as a MENTEE/STUDENT.
Last Updated: 101020

Our Holistic Mentorship Model
We firmly believe that an exemplary role model embodies the traits of a well-rounded, balanced individual. With this conviction, we dedicate ourselves to guiding our mentees on a holistic journey of personal and professional development.
Last Updated: 251223 Terms & Conditions , Privacy Policy
We are a collective of corporate professionals, driven by the profound teachings of Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the revered living Guru of Sikhs, and the enduring legacy of our illustrious ancestors. Our inspiration propels us to perpetuate the heritage of selfless service to society, a commitment fortified by the rich tapestry of experiences we have amassed.
This social initiative stands as a testament to our confidence, forged through the success of previous similar endeavors.
Hailing predominantly from the corporate realm, our team boasts a cumulative experience of over 200 years, spanning diverse industries and functions.